Thorny Christianity

My thoughts, sometimes conventional sometimes not, on topics of interest to my fellow Christians.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Be Careful Who You Follow

Jay Sekulow has become quite a figure in evangelical circles as the head of the legal organization American Center for Law & Justice, which is "dedicated to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms." Yet Mr. Sekulow may not be all he appears. Legal Times reports
But there is another side to Jay Sekulow, one that, until now, has been obscured from the public. It is the Jay Sekulow who, through the ACLJ and a string of interconnected nonprofit and for-profit entities, has built a financial empire that generates millions of dollars a year and supports a lavish lifestyle — complete with multiple homes, chauffeur-driven cars, and a private jet that he once used to ferry Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

That less-known side of Sekulow was revealed in several interviews with former associates of his and in hundreds of pages of court and tax documents reviewed by Legal Times. Critics say Sekulow’s lifestyle is at odds with his role as the head of a charitable organization that solicits small donations for legal work in God’s name.
Using donations from Christians, nominally to fight legal battles, to buy multi-million dollar homes? Using the organizations supported by these donations as a piggy bank for family members? Be discerning in who you give money to and who you follow.


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