Justice Sunday II
Don't really have much to say on the subject beyond what I said for Justice Sunday I. In what way do the political activities of our national courts have any place or business in a house of worship? These people claim to be Christians. Do they follow Christ, as their title indicates, or do they follow some political movement in the US? It's time for Christians in this country to get their act together and remember who their Lord is and who their Lord is not. Disgusting.
And God is going to punish the nation because of the unbelievers? Come on. Christians do more than enough to warrant God's judgement by perverting the gospel. Jesus didn't die on a cross so that only opponents of Roe v. Wade and gay marriage would be appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States. The gospel isn't about politics!
Jude wrote about the gnostics and other heretics of his day, but his words apply to those who would pervert the gospel into a political rallying cry:
To the American evangelical church, I say repent! As Jude wrote, let us contend earnestly for the faith and repent of the deception of politics. The people need Jesus, not some conservative judge annointed by Dobson. We are not Dobsonites, we are Christians! If he will not turn back to the gospel, let us turn away from him and get ourselves back to the faith! Let our churches be houses of worship, not houses of political rallies.
And God is going to punish the nation because of the unbelievers? Come on. Christians do more than enough to warrant God's judgement by perverting the gospel. Jesus didn't die on a cross so that only opponents of Roe v. Wade and gay marriage would be appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States. The gospel isn't about politics!
Jude wrote about the gnostics and other heretics of his day, but his words apply to those who would pervert the gospel into a political rallying cry:
Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.(Jude 1:3-4) We must always be vigilant against those who would mislead and misdirect the church. They are always there. They were there in Jude's day, and they are here today. As in Jude's day, we must keep watch. But instead, we let them in and blindly follow their lead as they bring disgrace on the name of the Lord. These are men and women interested in their own political power and glorifying themselves and their pocketbooks.
For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
To the American evangelical church, I say repent! As Jude wrote, let us contend earnestly for the faith and repent of the deception of politics. The people need Jesus, not some conservative judge annointed by Dobson. We are not Dobsonites, we are Christians! If he will not turn back to the gospel, let us turn away from him and get ourselves back to the faith! Let our churches be houses of worship, not houses of political rallies.
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