Thorny Christianity

My thoughts, sometimes conventional sometimes not, on topics of interest to my fellow Christians.

Monday, April 11, 2005

The Evangelical Pope?

The Boston Globe has a very interesting article on the role of John Paul II in transforming evangelical Christian attitudes toward the Catholic church.
Nevertheless, while no one would mistake John Paul II for an evangelical, he was responsible for a great deal of the normalization of relations that has occurred between the two Christian communities. Evangelicals greatly respected his resistance to Communist tyranny and his efforts on behalf of a ''culture of life.'' They could appreciate the Christ-centered elements of his personal piety, as illustrated by words he prepared for a homily the first Sunday after Easter: ''Lord, who with your death and Resurrection revealed the love of the Father, we believe in you and with faith we repeat to you today: Jesus, I trust in you, have pity on us and on the entire world.''' Evangelicals who have taken time to read the ''Catholic Catechism,'' which the pope shepherded into print, have found a bracing statement of orthodox Christian faith, though of course in a distinctly Catholic dress. Those who have read even some of the pope's many encyclicals recognized one of the 20th century's most astute Christian intellects at work.
I know from personal experience that there is still considerable resistance in the evangelical world to the Catholic church. But part of the late pope's legacy will be a closing of the gap between the two worlds.


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